[C++-sig] Boost.Python "contains" compile fix

Stefan Seefeld stefan at seefeld.name
Mon Mar 30 22:42:32 CEST 2015

On 30/03/15 04:37 PM, Huebl, Axel wrote:
> On 30.03.2015 17:42, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
>> On 30/03/15 11:16 AM, Huebl, Axel wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> adding more Python 3 features, the "contains" method was added (in 1.55.0?)
>>>   http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/python/doc/news.html
>>> Unfortunately, I found a nasty compile bug when compiling with nvcc that
>>> I tried to fix in
>>>   https://github.com/boostorg/python/pull/14
>>> Does anyone know how to test my patch to see if this function is still
>>> working as expected?
>> I have looked at your patch, but am not convinced that this is the right
>> fix. It would be best to really map "contains" to "__contains__" to
>> preserve the precise semantic of that call.
>> Do you see the "incomplete type" error only with nvcc or also with other
>> compilers (clang, notably) ?
>> Thanks,
>>         Stefan
> Hi Stefan,
> I did only triggered the compile error it with nvcc since that is the
> target I want to move Boost.Python to.
> The main problem is actually in accessing the this->attr() method since
> it's return type "const_object_attribute" is not yet fully typed.
> Maybe it is therefore enough to just move the implementation of
>   api::object_operators<U>::contains
> down to a source file, but I did not find an according
>   object_core.cpp
> Do you have any hints on that?

Not yet. I was asking about clang because I believe nvcc is based on
clang, and woud thus allow me to attempt to reproduce the problem
without having to install nvcc first.

(I have run into issues such as the above with my own code using clang,
but refactoring the code to make sure all the right pieces are seen in
the right order can open up a huge rat-hole, if there are circular

> oh that wasn't precise enough: to answer your question,
>   I did not try it with clang (yet).

Trying that would be useful, I think.



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