[C++-sig] Boost::Python Reference Counting

Jaedyn Draper jaedyn.cppsig at jaedyn.co
Tue May 20 16:48:00 CEST 2014

std::shared_ptr and similar types can also be used like so:

boost::python::class_<MyClass, std::shared_ptr<MyClass>>

But I don't think that would solve the problem because it's a raw 
pointer to _container being held here. I don't think there's a way to do 
what you want with raw pointers. The only way I would know of to do that 
is to make

     const Container * _container;


     const std::shared_ptr<Container> _container;


     const boost::shared_ptr<Container> _container;

or you can probably make this work with your own custom type, too, by 
replacing the second argument to class_ with your C++ ref-counted shared 
pointer class. Then anything exposed to python that deals with the 
Container class (like the constructor for Element) should return it or 
accept it as a shared_ptr instead of a pointer.

With raw pointers the ownership of the memory sits in just one place, 
and you're deleting that place. This is an issue that goes deeper than 
python, down to the C++ architecture - if you did the same thing in C++ 
using raw pointers like that, you'd have the same behavior. In order to 
get this sort of ref counting behavior in python, you have to have it in 

In general, unless you're working with very performance-sensitive code 
like a rendering pipeline (which isn't something you should use python 
for, as it has relatively poor performance characteristics compared to 
some other scripting languages - it's great for a lot of things, but 
performance isn't one of them), I tend to advocate the use of shared_ptr 
(or some similar memory management construct) over raw pointers for 
long-term storage anyway. It can save you from a lot of headaches and 
opens up a lot of possibilities when you combine it with weak_ptr.


Of course, one other option that doesn't require shared pointers is to 
set it up something like this:

struct Element
     Element(const Container * c, PyObject * obj) : _container(c), containerPyObj(obj)
     std::string name() const;
     const Container * _container;
     PyObject * containerPyObj;

Element GetElementProxy(boost::python::object self)
     Container * container = boost::python::extract<Container *>(self);
     return Element(container, self.ptr());

     class_<Element>("Element", no_init)
         .def("name", &Element::name)

     class_<Container>("Container", init<std::string>())
         .def("getElement", &GetElementProxy) // NOTE the change here, it's calling the free function, not the member

Caveat, I haven't tested this code, so I don't know if it compiles, but I've done similar things before. If you're dead set on not using shared pointers for whatever reason, this should do what you want.

On 5/19/2014 1:27 AM, laan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having issues with Boost::Python objects that contain a reference to a
> c++ object:
> --- C++ code ----
> #include <boost/python.hpp>
> struct Container;
> struct Element
> {
>      Element(const Container * c) : _container(c) { }
>      std::string name() const;
>      const Container * _container;
> };
> struct Container
> {
>      Container(const std::string & s) : _string(s) { }
>      Element getElement()
>      {
>          return Element(this);
>      }
>      std::string name() const
>      {
>          return this->_string;
>      }
>      std::string _string;
> };
> std::string Element::name() const
> {
>      return _container->name();
> }
> using namespace boost::python;
> {
>      class_<Element>("Element", no_init)
>          .def("name", &Element::name)
>          ;
>      class_<Container>("Container", init<std::string>())
>          .def("getElement", &Container::getElement)
>          ;
> }
> --- Python Code ----------------------
> container = test.Container("X")
> elem = container.getElement()
> del(container)
> print(elem.name())
> When calling elem.name(), it will reference the "container" object, which
> has been deleted, and I'm getting a segfault.
> How can I make boost::python increment the reference counter of Container
> when an element containing a pointer to the Container is returned?
> --
> View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Boost-Python-Reference-Counting-tp4662504.html
> Sent from the Python - c++-sig mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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