[C++-sig] fault core dump error

sam asu_mcs at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 30 17:40:29 CEST 2013

I wrote a C program that loop inside a folder which has about 200 text files. Each file has almost 60000 lines. I created 2D array [60000][200] to store files in it. No compilation problem at all, but when I try to run it I get this error (fault core dump). Yes I did use malloc()  
This is my code:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

#define WIDTH 200     // total number of files
#define HEIGHT 60000  // total number of lines for each file

int main ()

  double **array1; array1 [HEIGHT][WIDTH];
 int w ,h;
 int fnum = 1;
 char filename [64];
double *data;
 FILE * fpr; 
 FILE * fpw;

   // reading files data to array1 
     array1 = (double **) malloc(HEIGHT*sizeof(double));

   for (w=0;w<WIDTH;w++)
	   sprintf(filename, "C:/User/data%d.txt", fnum);
	   fpr = fopen(filename, "r");
	   for (h=0;h<HEIGHT;h++)
	   array1[h] = (double *) malloc(WIDTH*sizeof(double));

		  fscanf(fpr, "%lf",  &array1 [h][w]);

	   fnum ++;

	return 0;


Thank you,

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