[C++-sig] building Boost.Python with

Jim Bosch talljimbo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 15:46:30 CEST 2013

On 04/22/2013 07:42 AM, Christian Staudt wrote:
> Hello cplusplus-sig,
> I would very much like to provide my C++ project with a Python 3 interface. Boost.Python seems like a good option, but I have trouble getting started. I believe I need to build Boost.Python from source against my Python3.3 installation, but I am running into problems which I wasn't able to solve with the help of [1].
> Is it appropriate on this list to ask for support in the build process? Would anyone be willing to look into the issue?

I think it's entirely appropriate, and it's probably worthwhile to post 
more details, but speaking for myself, I know little about either 
Boost.Build or Python 3.3, and I suspect there may not be a lot of 
expertise on this list for the combination.  I'm not sure where else to 
look, though - but I see that you've also posted this question on Stack 
Overflow, and I think that and here are probably the best places I can 
think of.


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