[C++-sig] Boost Python wrapper for a c++ class that uses Opencv 2.3

Jim Bosch talljimbo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 17:17:51 CEST 2011

On 09/21/2011 11:13 AM, Kevin Hughes wrote:
> Here is the JamRoot file I have been using:
>     using python ;
>     # Specify that the boost-python library exists under the name
>     # boost_python. That is, because the library was installed at the
>     # standard search path as /usr/lib/libboost_python.so, bjam will find
>     # it automatically. No need to specify the absolute path.
>     # lib libboost_python : : <name>boost_python-mt ;
>     lib libboost_python : : <name>boost_python ;
>     lib libboost_date_time : : <name>boost_date_time ;
>     # Set up the project-wide requirements that everything uses the
>     # boost_python library.
>     project
>          : requirements <library>libboost_python
>     ;
>     # Declare the extension modules.  You can specify multiple
>     # source files after the colon separated by spaces.
>     python-extension libFoo : wrap_foo.cpp ;

As it turns out, I've never used bjam, except to build Boost itself.  I 
suspect you need another "requirements" line with the opencv libraries, 
but I'm not sure of the syntax.  Hopefully someone else can help you 
with that.

There's no requirement that Boost.Python projects use bjam, however, and 
if you're already more comfortable with another build system you might 
find it easier to use that.  Python's own distutils can work well for 
simple modules as well.


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