[C++-sig] Problem with importing shared library into Python

Edgardo C. edxxgardo at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 15:52:33 CET 2011

Hello Jim,

I really appreciate your feedback. I did what you mention, and I did it
downloading manually the boost library, compiling, etc, etc. Then, I
thought, ok, maybe I did something wrong and I downloaded the already
compiled boost packages using the synaptic tool in Ubuntu and then I
compiled the source code against the Ubuntu boost isntalled packages. The
compilation works fine, no errors but I get the same error.

What I do not know is whether the problem is the compilation of the shared
library or python. I spent the whole day on this,

this guy :


had a similar problem. But, this command:

$ nm /usr/local/lib/libboost_python3.so.1.46.1 | c++filt | grep init_module

show no symbols for me. Any other idea?

2011/11/25 Jim Bosch <talljimbo at gmail.com>

> On 11/25/2011 06:54 AM, Edgardo C. wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I am having problems with importing a .so shared library I just compiled
>> following the example giving in the book:
>> API Design for C++ : www.apibook.com <http://www.apibook.com> (Chapter
>> 11)
>> I downloaded the Boost library and I compiled it (fullw) into a
>> subdirectory called /compilation, where I get the /include and /lib
>> directories. No error during the compilation (Ubuntu 11.10).
>> Then I downloaded the code from the book examples and I compiled it
>> without errors and I get the phonebook.so in the same directory as where
>> I launch python interpreter, but the import in python trigger this error:
>> ImportError: /home/pablo/phonebook/**phonebook.so: undefined symbol:
>> _ZN5boost6python6detail11init_**moduleEPKcPFvvE
>> what I think is because python does not find the library.
>> I try to play around with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, ldconfig, I
>> copied the phonebook.so library into /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib, and
>> nothing ... I get the same error.
>> Can anybody explain me what is the problem? thanks a lot in advance,
> I think you just need to link your library against the boost_python
> library, and make sure that's also somewhere on your dynamic library path.
>  With gcc, that means adding a "-lboost_python" to the command line options.
> Jim
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