[C++-sig] function that modifies an existing object

Engelbert Tijskens engelbert.Tijskens at biw.kuleuven.be
Mon May 9 14:56:29 CEST 2011

Hi, i need some help on this.

class Simulation
Simulation() {/*...*/}
run() {/**/}

void modifySimulation( Simulation & sim ) {/*...*/}

    using namespace boost::python;
    class_<Simulation, boost::noncopyable>("Simulation")
        .def("run"  ,&Simulation_t::run )

import pySimulation
sim = pySimulation.Simulation() #fine
modifySimulation(sim) #fine as well, I can debug it, and it does the right thing

on this last statement the system crashes. python is basically telling me that sim is unbound. it seems to mee that the Simulation object is destroyed, but i cannot see why nor how i am supposed to prevent this using boost.python

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