[C++-sig] Creating a unicode instrance from utf-8 encoded string

Hans Meine hans_meine at gmx.net
Mon Feb 21 14:33:03 CET 2011

Am Montag, 21. Februar 2011, um 11:36:52 schrieb Wichert Akkerman:
> I'm trying to do something which should be very simple, but I'm not
> having much luck figuring out how from the existing documentation.
> For a python 2 project I am trying to return a gettext-translated string
> as a unicode instance to python. The return value for gettext() is a
> UTF-8 encoded char*, which should be pretty simple to convert to a
> python unicode instrance using PyUnicode_FromString. I have a feeling
> this is trivial to do, but I can't seem to figure out how.

According to http://docs.python.org/c-api/unicode.html , this is exactly what 
PyUnicode_FromString is supposed to do.

What's the problem?  Do you get an error?  Some code might help.


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