[C++-sig] Boost Python: C++ struct with a function pointer

puneet goel p_goel at coverify.net
Wed Mar 3 03:18:36 CET 2010


> If you just need your Python interface to support calling those function
> pointers, not adding new functions in Python, it's relatively easy.

Thanks for your support.

Actually I need to pass data from Python to C++.  I am required to
pass Python functions as part of the structure in a way that these get
executed somewhere in C++.

Now that I know that this can not be done in a straightforward manner,
 I am looking for a workaround. I would like to know whether it is at
all possible to pass a Python function, as data, to C++ using
boost-python. What would be the C++ type of a structure element that
would be able to hold a Python function when passed using

To clarify, if I get the C++ API changed to something like

struct foo {
 int a, b;
 char *str;

 foobar func1;
 foobar func2;

What type (in C++) would foobar be so that I am able to pass a python
function for func1 and func2?

- Puneet

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