[C++-sig] Python exceptions in functions called from C++

Charles Solar charlessolar at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 21:11:38 CEST 2010

I have a boost python library that I build python scripts with.  I am not
embedding python, I think that is worth mentioning right off the bat.
In my C++ library I have a separate thread calling into python occasionally
and I am finding that if the function I call in python has a python error in
it, eg:

def callMe():
  crash = "Hello world"
  return crash()

When my C++ app calls that I get the error_already_set exception from boost
python.  My problem with that is it offers no information from python like
'Strings are not callable on line 200 in crash.py'  So my question is how
can I connect the error_already_set exception on the other thread to
python's exception handler so if python produces an exception while calling
from C++ I get the python exception information and not just 'error already
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