[C++-sig] [Boost Python] Extended class loosing attributes when saving as pointer to BaseClass in C++

MrF the.groovy.gregory at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 22 22:13:40 CET 2010

Thanks for help!

> A better solution would be to write a
> custom to-python conversion for shared_ptr<BaseClass>

Tried it and works perfectly. Good hint!

> This is probably something boost::python should do automatically if
> BaseClassWrap is a subclass of wrapper<BaseClass>.  If it doesn't, and
> you can get me a complete example that demonstrates the problem, I'll
> see about making a patch to make that happen

I'll have some free days in February so I'll  put this into a small 
project for you to play around with, so the whole procedure can be made 
a little easier.

Thanks a lot for your help!


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