[C++-sig] Quick question about wrapping methods that have multiple versions

Jean-Sébastien Guay jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com
Wed Sep 9 05:30:22 CEST 2009

Hi all,

This may be an FAQ, but if so I haven't seen it in the FAQs (on the wiki 
and in the docs).

Say I have this:

class A {};

class B
     A* getA();
     const A* getA() const;

If I just add .def("getA", &B::getA, some_return_policy) to my class_ 
wrapper, on compile it will complain that it doesn't know which version 
of B::getA() I want. Up until now the way I wrapped this was to make a 
trivial wrapper function:

A* (B::*B_getA1)() = &B::getA;

and then used .def("getA", B_getA1, some_return_policy). But as I wrap 
many classes, I wind up with lost of these trivial wrappers at the top 
of my source files, they're hard to read when skimming and just plain 
look bad. Is there some template or preprocessor magic I could use to 
generate these automatically, or even better, to allow me to specify in 
the .def() which version I want?

Thanks in advance,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com

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