[C++-sig] boost.python - C++ class overridden in python causes slicing

Jean-Sébastien Guay jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com
Tue Sep 8 21:52:17 CEST 2009

Hi Troy,

> Competitive isn't an issue, as swig and boost.python bindings aren't 
> really compatible (or is that 'sip' bindings that aren't compatible?). 
> Personally I prefer a manual approach over automatically generated 
> bindings; apparently for the same reasons that some compiler writers 
> insist on handwritten recursive descent parsers.  I know there are smart 
> people around that have worked long and hard on generators, I don't want 
> to start any fights.  YMMV.

Well it's not a matter of being compatible with osgSwig, I know it's one 
or the other, but I prefer manual to automatically generated for the 
same reasons you do (see below).

> Yes exactly.  Being intrusive is just not an option, for one.  More 
> examples are easy to come up with, e.g. wants fine-grained control over 
> the python interface to provide things like conversions to native python 
> types (datetime, numpy arrays), or to provide slicing notation and 
> iterators on a node's children, say
>    node.children[2:7]

Heh, I've got some types of slicing working for Vec*Array :-) Other 
forms I haven't gotten to. But yeah, I want to give a python-esque view 
of the OSG data structures as much as possible.

Note that I'm a C++ programmer writing python, so in most cases I don't 
know what python-esque is without reading the python tutorial, but I 
still have that goal :-)

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com

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