[C++-sig] boost.python - C++ class overridden in python causes slicing

Jean-Sébastien Guay jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com
Tue Sep 8 20:31:57 CEST 2009

Hello Troy,

> I've been doing a bunch of work with osg recently.  I like it and badly 
>  miss some boost.python bindings.  I'd be very interested to have a look 
> at the code here, maybe pitch in a bit.  Is there a git archive I can 
> clone, and a failing test I can run?

I was thinking of setting up a googlecode project for this work, because 
there is at least one other person who might be interested in working 
with me on it (Paul Melis). I'll see if I can do that soon.

I prefer to work with svn though (used to be CVS was oldschool, now it's 
SVN, I know I'm behind the times), hope that's not a problem for you.

I would have liked to get the basic functionality working before setting 
that up because there's already another project trying to wrap OSG to 
python (osgSwig), so I'd like to be able to prove that my solution is 
competitive with that one.

For reference, osgSwig have been having trouble lately wrapping the 
classes derived (multiply) from osg::MixinVector<T>, and have relied on 
patches to OSG that remove that derivation (essentially going back to 
the OSG 2.6 versions of those classes). On the other hand, using 
boost.python I can wrap things as I want, and I don't have any problem 
wrapping classes derived from MixinVector<T>, so I think it's a better 
route in the long run.

Anyways, yeah, I'll set up that project so you can run the actual code 
and see the problem firsthand, hopefully that will make it easier to 
help out.

Thanks for the offer,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com

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