[C++-sig] get_overload raising cannot convert from 'boost::python::detail::method_result' to 'MMOT::Geometry &'

Freyr Magnússon freyr.magnusson at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 01:25:45 CEST 2009

I trying to create an interface wrapper for a class and I get an error:

cannot convert from 'boost::python::detail::method_result' to
'MMOT::Geometry &'

The code is like this:
struct SelectQueryWrap : SelectQuery, wrapper<SelectQuery>
    bool queryNodeBefore(QueryContext* context, OctreeNode *node, const
AABBox& region)
        return this->get_override("queryNodeBefore")(context, node, region);
    // removed working members
    // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this failes <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Geometry& getGeometry()
        return this->get_override("getGeometry")();

Geometry is another wrapped interface which is working fine and is defined
like so:

struct GeometryWrap : Geometry, wrapper<Geometry>
    int intersectNode(const MMOT::AABBox &box)
        return this->get_override("intersectNode")(box);
    float volume() const
        return this->get_override("volume")();
    void prepare()
        if (override prepare = this->get_override("prepare"))
    void default_prepare() { this->Geometry::prepare(); }

I'm a bit lost here.  Can't I return a reference to the object or is my
wrapping getting too convoluted (well something is wrong anyway)?

Any help appreciated.

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