[C++-sig] Getting Boost.Python Working on MacOS X

Randolph Fritz rfritz333 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 00:44:52 CET 2009

On 2009-11-23, Martin Hediger <ma.hed at bluewin.ch> wrote:
> I have been trying to get Boost.Python working on my MBP with Mac OS
> 10.5, since I need it to compile the chemical modeling software
> "AVOGADRO" for modification reasons.

There's something wrong with the boost.python test script on Mac OS X;
see <https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2185>.  That's probably
what's making problems for you.  Boost.python does in fact work on
Mac, despite the test script problem; here's what I did to make it go:

Randolph Fritz
  design machine group, architecture department, university of washington
rfritz at u.washington.edu -or- rfritz333 at gmail.com

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