[C++-sig] Pybindgen/pygccxml integration

Ben Fitzpatrick bfitzpatrick at vtiinstruments.com
Tue Jun 23 21:10:13 CEST 2009

Gustavo Carneiro wrote:
> 2009/6/23 Ben Fitzpatrick <bfitzpatrick at vtiinstruments.com 
> <mailto:bfitzpatrick at vtiinstruments.com>>
>     Thanks for the suggestions!
>     I tried the first one, just as a test. I'd like to do the second
>     programatically if I can, but I just wanted to make sure
>     annotations were going to fix this. It still seems to be giving me
>     the same error:
>     (...)/pure_virtual.h:5: WrapperWarning: Parameter 'int * value'
>     error (used in int pure_virtual_class::get_value(int * value)
>     [member function]):
>     <pybindgen.typehandlers.base.TypeConfigurationError instance at
>     0xb780326c>
>      virtual int get_value(int* value) = 0;
>     Here is what I changed my code to:
>       // -#- @value(transfer_ownership=true) -#-
>      virtual int get_value(int* value)=0;
> Apart from the blank line, seems OK.  Do you get a "unused annotation" 
> warning?
That's odd, there wasn't a blank line in my original email. There 
certainly isn't one in the file.
I do not get an unused annotation warning, or anything to suggest it 
noticed my annotation in the slightest. I am using Python2.4 on Debian 
Etch, with Pygccxml 0.9.5. The Python's a bit old, but everything else 
has been compiled or installed manually.

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