[C++-sig] Return value policies for objects with custom to-python converters

Ravi lists_ravi at lavabit.com
Mon Sep 29 20:17:25 CEST 2008

  The return value policies from boost.python do not seem to handle objects 
with custom converters; they seem to handle only those types exposed via 
boost.python. Attached is some code that handles reference_existing_object for 
objects with custom converters. However, the interface is unsatisying:

1. The _1 subscripts need to be removed. However, I could not find a way to 
disambiguate types not exposed through boost.python and those with custom 
converters. From the perspective of a library user, both the 
reference_existing_object from boost.python and reference_existing_object_1 
from the attached file accomplish exactly the same thing, but the user needs 
to remember (and know) that certain classes need one vs the other. Could a 
guru tell me how to plug my converter into boost.python's 

2. So far, I have used only reference_existing_object. Do the other return 
value policies need similar special handling for objects with custom to-python 
converters? How do I figure out which ones do and which ones don't?

3. If there is a satisfactory answer to 1, the resulting technique could be 
added to boost.python. No new documentation would be necessary, since the 
existing documentation would convey all the necessary information. In order to 
submit a patch though, I suppose that some tests are needed. How would one 
write tests for this functionality?


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