[C++-sig] Reference counted object return value policy

Jean-Sébastien Guay jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com
Wed Sep 24 15:08:59 CEST 2008

Hello Hans,

> IIRC Roman has a nice web page about that.. Seems to be 
> here:
> http://www.language-binding.net/pyplusplus/troubleshooting_guide/smart_ptrs/smart_ptrs.html

I've seen that and will try to apply it. Thanks.

Actually, I think my problems with boost.python can be summed up thus:
* I don't know when such and such strategy is required, and when it's
   just useless code that adds to the maintenance overhead of my wrappers
* I don't know how to debug the wrappers if they don't give the intended
   results (other than blindly trying something else).

The first point, I can work on by reading the documentation more 
thoroughly. But I would appreciate tips on the second. I haven't seen 
any documentation on that.

In particular, if some code makes the python interpreter crash, what can 
I do to get a stack trace or go into it with a debugger (on windows in 
my case)? Do I need to compile Python and/or boost in debug?

Thanks in advance,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.guay at cm-labs.com

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