[C++-sig] Calling Object virtual function from C++

William Marié william.marie at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 16:01:21 CEST 2008


I'm trying to call a object virtual function from the C++ side but if the
python function is not defined into the Python class it doesn't find the one
defined in the C++ object :

------- C++
class Base
	Base() {};
	virtual ~Base() {};
	virtual void testVirtual()
		itn a = 0;

struct BaseWrap : Base, bp::wrapper<Base>
	void testVirtual()
		if (bp::override fun = this->get_override("testVirtual"))
			fun(); // *note*
	void default_testVirtual() { this->Base::testVirtual(); }

	bp::class_<BaseWrap, boost::noncopyable>("Base")
		.def("testVirtual", &Base::testVirtual, &BaseWrap::default_testVirtual)

	bp::class_<Base>("Base", bp::init<>())
------- Python ( testvirtual.py )
import MyModule

class TestVirtual( MyModule.Base ):

	## Constructor
	def __init__( self ) :

------------ Now from a C++ side :
bp::object module = bp::import("testvirtual");
bp::object modDict(module.attr("__dict__"));
bp::object bpClass = modDict["TestVirtual"];
bp::object bpTestVirtual = pbClass();

# Doesn't call the Base class virtual function and tell that the testVirtual
function doesn't exist
bp::object bpFun = bpTestVirtual.attr( "testVirtual" );

# Doesn't call the Base class virtual function and tell that the testVirtual
function doesn't exist bp::call<void>(bpFun.ptr());

# Doesn't call the Base class virtual function and tell that the testVirtual
function doesn't exist
bp::call_method<void>(bpTestVirtual.ptr(), "testVirtual" );

# Always call the Base::testVirtual even if the function is overidden in
Base& pTestVirtual = BP_EXTRACT( bpTestVirtual, Base& );

Here we go, so i'm sure there is an easy way to do that but i don't
understand what i'm doing wrong.
Could someone help me please ?


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