[C++-sig] boost python and keyword aguments

Moe Goldberg goldberg at coredp.com
Thu May 8 20:44:41 CEST 2008

If I'm writing pure python, I can do the following:

def pyfunc(**kwargs):
     print kwargs

then call it as follows:
 >>> pyfunc()

 >>> pyfunc(a="b", c="d", arbitrary_key="value")
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd', arbitrary_key: 'value'}

Is there a way with boost python to do the same thing? i.e. write a 
function in C++ something like:
void cppfunc(boost::python::dict kwargs)
    // ... do something ...

That can be called in python like this:
 >>> cppfunc(a="b", c="d", arbitrary_key="value")

The important thinhg is that I be able to call it with keyword args, and 
not by passing a dict


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