[C++-sig] Spirit Python bindings

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Wed May 7 17:41:12 CEST 2008

Alex Klizhentas wrote:
> Hi All,
> Are there any Python bindings for Spirit you are aware of?

I assume you are talking about boost.spirit here, right ?

Spirit seems to be all about (compile-time) metaprogramming. How can 
that possibly be 'bound' to Python, which is all about runtime ?

Python has its own syntax, it's own support for operator overloading, 
and its own handling of ASTs, which may be useful in constructing DSLs, 
but I doubt that any of this relates to something as C++-frontend heavy 
as Spirit.



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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