[C++-sig] ANN: PyUblas -- Numpy+Boost.Ublas = happy

Ger van Diepen diepen at astron.nl
Tue May 6 16:45:07 CEST 2008

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your answer and clarification.

> PyUblas converts array scalars for you, and hence should solve your problem. 
> Oddly, as I've found out, the extra conversion is only needed on 64-bit 
> platforms, for whatever reasons. In any case, it's there, and it doesn't seem 
> to hurt on 32-bit.
Indeed it is not needed for 32 bit systems.

I took a look at your code where you handle the array scalar conversion. In there you use macros (or functions) PyArray_ScalarAsCtype and PyArray_TypeObjectFromType. However, I cannot find where they are defined in numpy or pyublas. Where are they defined?


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