[C++-sig] boost 1.34.1 & python 2.5.2 on centos 5

ZiZi Zhao zzhao at laika.com
Tue Mar 11 23:30:18 CET 2008

I have to use 'configure' to set all options about python first, 

-- with-python ='/somewhere/ python2 .5.2/bin/ python' -- with-python -root='/somewhere/ python2 .5. 2' -- with-python -version= '2 . 5' -- with-libraries = '-L /somewhere/ python2 .5.2/lib/ python2 .5/ config -L / usr /lib -lpython2 . 5' -- with-toolset = 'gcc' 

then, run bjam . The errors seems gone. But, there is a PYthon-2 .5.1 in the file system, how could I know which python 2.5.* the 'bjam' picked up, since it even could make up something like 

-I "/local/prod/python/ python_2 .5/include/ python2 .4" 

I have no clue about where the "/local/prod/python/ python_2 .5/include/ python2 .4" is from. 
I edit the bjam option with -sPYTHON_ROOT =/ swdevl /local/ python_2 .5.2. 

bjam builds everything implicitly. I really don't like this way. Why is there no bjam _build.log for us to check what was going on in the building? 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Wieher " < michael . wieher @ gmail .com> 
To: "Development of Python/C++ integration" <c++ -sig @python.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:02:58 PM ( GMT-0800 ) America/ Los_Angeles 
Subject: Re: [C++ -sig ] boost 1.34.1 & python 2.5.2 on centos 5 

#include <Python.h> 

That defines PyObject ... after that, see what errors go away =) 

2008/3/11, ZiZi Zhao < zzhao @ laika .com >: 

Hi All, 

I just built python 2.5.2 on my centos 5 system, and now building boost 1.34.1 on python 2.5.2, both are compiled with gcc 4.0.2. 

But, I got tons of messages such as: 

./boost/python/converter/ arg_from_python . hpp :239: error: 'PyObject' was not declared in this scope 
./boost/python/converter/ arg_from_python . hpp :239: error: 'p' was not declared in this scope 
./boost/python/converter/ arg_from_python . hpp :240: error: expected `;' before '{' token 
./boost/python/converter/ arg_from_python . hpp : In member function 'T boost::python::converter:: pointer_cref_arg_from_python <T>::operator()() const' : 
./boost/python/converter/ arg_from_python . hpp :258: error: 'Py_None' was not declared in this scope 
./boost/python/converter/ arg_from_python . hpp : At global scope: 
./boost/python/converter/ arg_from_python . hpp :267: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'pointer_arg_from_python' with no type 
./boost/python/converter/ arg_from_python . hpp :267: error: 'boost ::python::converter:: pointer_arg_from_python <T>:: pointer_arg_from_python' declared as an 'inline' variable 
./boost/python/converter/ arg_from_python . hpp :267: error: 'int boost::python::converter:: pointer_arg_from_python <T>:: pointer_arg_from_python' is not a static member of 'struct boost::python::converter:: pointer_arg_from_python <T>' 

./boost/python/call. hpp :53: error: template declaration of 'typename boost::python::detail::returnable<T>::type boost::python:: call' 
./boost/python/call. hpp :53: error: 'PyObject' was not declared in this scope 
./boost/python/call. hpp :53: error: 'callable' was not declared in this scope 
./boost/python/call. hpp :54: error: expected primary-expression before 'const' 
./boost/python/call. hpp :54: error: expected primary-expression before 'const' 
./boost/python/call. hpp :54: error: expected primary-expression before 'const' 
./boost/python/call. hpp :54: error: expected primary-expression before 'const' 

The error messages go on forever. I stopped the compiling and saw: 

"g++" -ftemplate-depth-128 -O0 -fno-inline -Wall -g -fPIC -pthread -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB =1 -DBOOST_PYTHON_SOURCE -I "." -I "/local/prod/python/ python_2 .5/include/ python2 .4" -c -o "bin. v2 /libs/python/build/ gcc -4.0.2/debug/ threading-multi /class.o" "libs/python/ src /object/class. cpp " 

I have no clue about where the "/local/prod/python/ python_2 .5/include/ python2 .4" is from. My PYTHON_ROOT in bjam configure is completely different, / swdevl /local/ python_2 .5.2. and there is simply no 'python2 . 4' in 
/local/prod/python/ python_2 .5/include/. 

Any one knows whats happening? 

I built boost 1.34.1 on python 2.5.1 on centos 4, which was just done fine, and using the same gcc 4.0.2. 



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