[C++-sig] set python attribute from C++

Gennadiy Rozental rogeeff at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 20:31:37 CEST 2008

David Abrahams <dave <at> boostpro.com> writes:
> > Is there some some strong underlying reason why 
> > it's can't be designed to support it?
> There are 2 "it"s in that sentence and I can't 
> tell what either one refers to.

Why can't intrusive_ptr be designed to support he 
same set of feature as shared_ptr?

> > What will happened with memory? 
> I don't understand the question. Could you be specific?
> > Or custom deleter will somehow make it right?
> It will be right.  It Just Works (TM)

So you are saying that if I export my class like this:


I can still write function foo like this:

void foo( shared_ptr<A> obj )
    bp::object pyobj( obj );

And it will not call A destructor at the end of 
function, right? Plus pyobj will be of correct 
python type if obj type is actually one derived
from A in python, right?


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