[C++-sig] Dynamic resolution of members and methods

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Wed Dec 17 12:35:16 CET 2008

Jérémie Delaitre wrote:
> Ok, I have find a way to resolve all of my problem.
> I simply declare a new custom type which is callable.
> This way, when the user type in python 'myObj.myFunc(...)', 
> mytype_getattro is called
> with 'myObj' as self and 'myFunc' as arg. Then, I return a new 
> instance of the callable type
> which is fill with all the information I need to identify the 
> function. Then python simply call the
> functor.

 From this and your previous mail it doesn't sound as if you used any 
boost.python for this. Any reason for that ?



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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