[C++-sig] Signatures/docstrings patch

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 03:12:44 CEST 2007

Nikolay Mladenov wrote:

> Hi all,
> A patch was applied to the boost.python svn repository,
> which allows pythonic signatures to be included in the
> generated docstrings
> Bellow is a small example of how the docstrings may look
> (it is docstrings_options dependent):
>>>> help(ugui.AngleField.value)
> Help on method value:
> value(...) unbound sitius.ugui.AngleField method
>     value( (AngleField)self) -> Angle :
>        returns the field's value
>     value( (AngleField)self, (Angle)angle [,
> (bool)invoke_callback=False]) -> AngleField :
>        Sets the value of the field and optionally invokes the activate
> callback
> the patch also adds docstring support for enums.
> Nikolay Mladenov

Causes the following breakage in my code, any ideas?
/usr/local/src/boost.hg/boost/python/to_python_value.hpp:109: error: no matching function for call to 'boost::python::detail::shared_ptr_to_python_value<boost::shared_ptr<filter<double> >&>::get_pytype(boost::type<boost::shared_ptr<filter<double> >&>*) const'
/usr/local/src/boost.hg/boost/python/to_python_value.hpp:109: note: candidates are: const PyTypeObject* boost::python::detail::shared_ptr_to_python_value<T>::get_pytype() const [with T = boost::shared_ptr<filter<double> >&]

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