[C++-sig] Object lifetime issue

Hans Meine meine at informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Mon Sep 3 11:51:00 CEST 2007

Am Sonntag, 02. September 2007 01:07:47 schrieb Matt Holmes:
> I am trying to expose one of the classes in my engine as an abstract
> class that is used as the base for a series of Python classes.
> That class is called InputCommand and is defined as such:
> namespace Stasis {
> 	class InputCommand {
> 	public:
> 		virtual bool execute() = 0;
> 	};
> }

My compiler warns me in such cases that you have a virtual function, but no 
virtual destructor (IIRC Scott Meyers' effective C++ has a section on that).  
Don't know if that's related, but note that no destructor of derived classes 
can be guaranteed to be called from C++.

Ciao, /  /
    /  / ANS

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