[C++-sig] C++ static function as __init__

Piotr Jaroszyński p.jaroszynski at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 02:20:13 CEST 2007


I want to do possibly strange thing:

struct Foo {
	Foo() {}
	static void init_me(PyObject * self) {
		??? (I want to initialize self with a new Foo object using its constructor)
bp::class_<Foo> foo("Foo", bp::no_init);
foo.def("__init__", &Foo::init_me);

The above "works" as in the signature matches, but I have no idea how to 
initialize the object properly given the PyObject self pointer. I was trying 
to dig in the code how is bp::init really working but I failed miserably :/
Any clues? ;]

Best Regards,
Piotr Jaroszyński

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