[C++-sig] Py++ - Can't Seem To Get It Working

Lawrence Spector Lawrence.Spector at CanfieldSci.com
Wed Jul 11 21:01:18 CEST 2007

First I tried the Py++ download from sourceforce, along with pygccxml, using "python setup.py install" and a pre-build distribution of gccxml from the website.  So, I run pyplusplus_gui.pyw (C:\python25\python C:\python25\Scripts\pyplusplus_gui.pyw).

I make a file called TestPy++.h in C:\Temp, direct Py++ to it, and direct Py++ to the gccxml_cc1plus.exe file inside of the GCCXML distribution from Py++ website.

TestPy++.h contains:


enum Val
                VAL_1, VAL_2, VAL_3


I get the following output:

Error occured during code generation process!
Error occured while running GCC-XML:
Execution times (seconds)
 parser                :   0.02 (100%) usr
 TOTAL                 :   0.02


My first thought is wonderful, no information.  I saw one site advocating using Cygwin to do this and rebuilding GCCXML.

So, I get on CVS, download the latest from gccxml.org, using the commands as suggested:

cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at www.gccxml.org:/cvsroot/GCC_XML login
(just press enter when prompted for a password)

Follow this command by checking out the source code:
cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at www.gccxml.org:/cvsroot/GCC_XML co gccxml
Great.  I have my distribution of gccxml.  I build with cmake as per the instructions.  I make and make install.  Wonderful.  I install Py++0.9.0 and pygccxml-0.9.0 under Cygwin.  Great.  All is looking good so far.  As per a small snippet I found online, I found out I have to rebaseall.  I rebase, great.

Now, I get to running pyplusplus_gui.pyw (/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/pyplusplus_gui.pyw&).

I set my file path to: /cygdrive/c/Temp/TestPy++.h (cygwin paths appear to be required).
I set my GCC_XML location to /home/LSpector/GCC_XML/bin/gccxml.exe.

I click generate code.  The Py++ gui/GCCXML/something hangs, never to recover.

For the hell of it, I try /home/LSpector/GCC_XML/bin/gccxml_cc1plus.exe instead of gccxml.exe.  Why not?

I get the following:

Error occured during code generation process!
Error occured while running GCC-XML:
Execution times (seconds)
 parser                :   0.02 (48%) usr   0.00 ( 0%) sys   0.02 (33%) wall
 name lookup           :   0.00 ( 0%) usr   0.00 ( 0%) sys   0.02 (33%) wall
 TOTAL                 :   0.03             0.00             0.05

Not good.  I can't seem to get this tool working.  Can anyone help me?  I'm very stuck.

Thanks in advance,

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