[C++-sig] How to import a boost::python dll in windows?

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 13:38:50 CET 2007

On 2/14/07, ichijoji <ichijoji at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to port some research code that uses boost::python to expose a
> library to python to windows, but I'm having trouble importing the dll into
> python. I'm compiling using msvc 2005 and using python 2.5, but when I try
> to import the module I get this:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "main.py", line 1, in <module>
>     import object
>   File "c:\code\sge\code\scripts\object.py", line 1, in <module>
>     import sge
> ImportError: No module named sge
> My module is named sge and I'm compiling to sge.dll. Is there some obvious
> reason why python wouldn't be able to find my dll? When I compile on linux
> into an so this code works fine.

You are using Python2.5. In this version of Python you have to have
file extension
to be "pyd" - sge.pyd

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

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