[C++-sig] import does not return with custom extension

Christian K. ckkart at hoc.net
Mon Aug 13 10:05:19 CEST 2007


I built an extension with mingw on Windows XP using scons according to a 
recipe found on this list (SConstruct attached). I use a 
boost_python.dll which is part of some other project (openalea) as I 
have not yet understood how to build it myself.

I renamed the resulting .dll into .pyd and when I try to import it from 
a python shell, started from a cygwin shell, the prompt does not come 
back. If I start python from the DOS prompt, and import the extension, I 
get an error about 'missing cygwin1.dll/mingw.dll'. After copying those 
two to the current dir, the import hangs as before.

Does anybody have an idea what is going on here? How could I debug that 

Thanks, Christian
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