[C++-sig] Help about warning C4541 in using VC7.1

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Tue Sep 12 18:50:13 CEST 2006

jack833 wrote:
> Here is My code . but show out warnning C4541 in VC7.1
> namespace Unitest
> {
> 	namespace UTester
> 	{
> 		class UTester
> 		{
> 		public:
> 			UTester(){}
> 			virtual	~UTester(){}
> 			std::string Foo(){return "FOO";}
> 		};
> 	}
> }

This code doesn't appear to have anything to do with boost.python,
and neither with the error message from VS for that matter.

> warnning show:
> E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
> 2003\Vc7\Boost\include\boost\python\object\inheritance.hpp(43) : warning
> C4541: “dynamic_cast”using option  /GR-  at a Polymorphism 
> “Unitest::UTester::UTester”;May be result in unpredictable behavior.
>         E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
> 2003\Vc7\Boost\include\boost\python\object\inheritance.hpp(41) : while
> compile template class member function“boost::python::objects::dynamic_id_t
> boost::python::objects::polymorphic_id_generator<T>::execute(void *)”
>         with
>         [
>             T=Unitest::UTester::UTester
>         ]
> can any one help me?

Well, enable /GR (and /GX, while we are at it, since boost.python may throw
exceptions, too) !



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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