[C++-sig] shared_ptr, abstract classes and inheritance

Tobias Kräntzer info at tobias-kraentzer.de
Wed Oct 25 22:35:56 CEST 2006

Am Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006 23:28 schrieb Tobias Kräntzer:
> > Does it help?
> unfortunately not.
> the same behavior as before.

Temporally I've made a workaround:
I changed the factory to:

list factory( bool use_derived )
    list result;
    if ( !use_derived )
        Base::Ptr pt( new Base_impl() );
        result.append( pt );
        Derived::Ptr pt( new Derived_impl() );
        result.append( pt );
    return( result );

an write an new factory in Python:

>>> import test
>>> _old_factory = test.factory
>>> def _new_factory( derived ):
...     return _old_factory( derived )[0]

>>> test.factory = _new_factory
>>> test.factory( True )
<test.Derived object at 0xb7bbf994> 

>>> test.factory( False )
<test.Base object at 0xb7bd056c>

>>> test.factory( True ).bar()
'Derived bar'

I will focus on a solution to the problem later.
But at the moment, thanks for help.

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