[C++-sig] indexing suite and std::vector<std::string>

Johan Rydberg jrydberg at gnu.org
Sat Nov 11 23:49:23 CET 2006


One of the methods I wrap return a std::vector<std::string>, which
needs to be wrapped as well.  I was told about the indexing suite and
gave it a try;

  class_<vector<string> >("std_string_vec")
    .def (vector_indexing_suite<vector<string> > ());

With the following result;

  >>> repr(x)
  '<std_string_vec object at 0xb7e37d2c>'
  >>> len(x)
  >>> x[0]
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  TypeError: No Python class registered for C++ class std::string

I was under the impression that strings should be magically wrapped by
boost.python.  Any ideas anyone?

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