[C++-sig] help passing image data

J.D. Yamokoski yamokosk at ufl.edu
Tue May 23 18:03:27 CEST 2006

Roman Yakovenko wrote:
> On 5/22/06, J.D. Yamokoski <yamokosk at ufl.edu> wrote:
>> ...
> Where do you use boost.python library? Did you read tutorials?
> http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/tutorial/doc/html/index.html
> Also, I think you can start from something that is simpler then CImg library:
> for example try to create bindings for simple struct or even int.

I used boost.python solely for the creation of the CImg extension. I 
wasn't using its support for doing the embedding. I thought by creating 
the CImg extension I was giving Python the ability to understand a CImg 

Are there any examples of passing a struct? All the examples I have seen 
are just too simple - passing ints, chars, floats, etc.


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