[C++-sig] Delayed load of pythonXX.dll

G Hansford gerhans at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 21:37:55 CET 2006

I'm trying to determine if it's possible to delay the loading of the Python
DLL on Windows. I would like my application to disable scripting support
(but still run) if Python24.dll is missing. The Delay Loaded DLLs option in
Visual C++ 7.1 seemed like it would solve my problem, but when I added
python24.dll, I get the following link error:
fatal error LNK1194: cannot delay-load 'python24.dll' due to import of data
symbol '__imp___Py_NoneStruct'

Having searched a bit on the topic, I found specific discussion of this
problem in the context of using SWIG, but I can't find anything on it with
respect to boost.python. I am statically linking the boost_python.lib and
everything works properly when I don't try to force the delay load. Does
anyone have any insight on this?

Thanks for your time...

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