[C++-sig] More pyplusplus custom stuff

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Fri Jun 16 21:34:17 CEST 2006

On 15 Jun 2006 at 21:30, Roman Yakovenko wrote:

> 1. add pyplusplus.decl_wrappers.constructor_t new property
>     body ( string )
> 2.  add code that insert this member variable into generated code in
> next classes:
>      pyplusplus.code_creators.
>          constructor_wrapper_t
>          special_constructor_wrapper_t
>          trivial_constructor_wrapper_t

Firstly, I attach modified pyplusplus source implementing your 

For special_constructor_wrapper_t and trivial_constructor_wrapper_t, 
self.declaration refers to a decl_wrapper.class_t rather than 
decl_wrapper.constructor_t. AFAICS trivial constructors are really 
compiler generated null constructors while special constructors are 
really copy constructors. Therefore, you'd probably want to be able 
to set each individually so I split them into a series of properties. 
I have a new function which sets all constructor bodies.


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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  calldef.py
     Date:  16 Jun 2006, 15:03
     Size:  48750 bytes.
     Type:  Unknown
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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  class_wrapper.py
     Date:  16 Jun 2006, 15:02
     Size:  5402 bytes.
     Type:  Unknown
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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  calldef_wrapper.py
     Date:  16 Jun 2006, 14:27
     Size:  13426 bytes.
     Type:  Unknown
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