[C++-sig] Patch implementing void * support

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Fri Jan 27 04:34:50 CET 2006

David Abrahams wrote:
> Stefan Seefeld <seefeld at sympatico.ca> writes:
>>David Abrahams wrote:
>>>A patch that works is defined as one that passes the Boost.Python test
>>>suite.  Make sure you test your patch in that context on all platforms
>>>you're targeting.
>>How is that possible, in general ? Typically a single developer has access
>>only to a limitted number of platforms / compilers, requiring some form of
>>cooperation to cover all targetted platforms.
> A developer can't very well target a platform he has no access to, can
> he?  It's up to Niall to say what he's targeting.  Of course, if the
> patch is too far off of the set of compilers currently supported by
> the library, it might not be accepted.

I was thinking of a patch to boost.python (say), which the author (of
the patch) only tests on a subset of platforms / compilers of the
platforms / compilers the library author(s) target.
I don't know the set of supported compilers for boost.python, but I'm
quite sure it is more than what I have access to. Yet I might be able
to submit a patch some time or another. What am I supposed to do then ?


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