[C++-sig] weakref to shared_ptr conversion

Andreas pirx at cs.tu-berlin.de
Tue Jan 10 22:51:37 CET 2006


I have a problem with implicit conversion of weakref of shared_ptr to 

I have the following code:
class A
     static shared_ptr<A> create() {
       return shared_ptr<A>(new A());
     ~A() {}

     A() {}

void foo(shared_ptr<A> pA)

   class_<A, shared_ptr<A> >("A", no_init)
     .def("create", &A::create)
   boost::python::def("foo", foo);

import weakref
a = A.create()
weak_a = weakref.ref(a)

foo(a)  #works fine
#    foo(weak_a)
#Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
#    CodeSubWars_Common.foo(weakref)
#did not match C++ signature:
#    foo(class boost::shared_ptr<class A>)

How do i get such an implicit conversion from weakref to shared_ptr 
working? Is it possible to define an implicit converter to solve this?
(I'm using boost 1.33.1, MSVC7.1 and Python 2.4.2)

Any help would be appreciated,
andreas rose

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