[C++-sig] Boost Python private members problem

Eduardo Picado eduardo.picado at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 15:45:01 CEST 2006


I'm facing a problem with the last module I need to compile with Boost Python.
I receive this compilation error:

Compiling...(with vc-8_0)
C:\Python24\include\TASRLogger.hpp(353) : error C2248:
'TASRLogger::TASRLogger' : cannot access private member declared in
class 'TASRLogger'
        C:\Python24\include\TASRLogger.hpp(37) : see declaration of
        C:\Python24\include\TASRLogger.hpp(33) : see declaration of 'TASRLogger'
        This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function
'TASRDefaultLogger::TASRDefaultLogger(const TASRDefaultLogger &)'

It's hard find a solution for the problem as I don't have the sources
for the dll. Otherwise I could at least change the member attributes
Is there a workaround for it?
I tried to extract the relevant parts from the files.

The TASRLogger.hpp I'm trying to wrap:

class TASRLoggerInternal;
class TASRDefaultLoggerInternal;
struct GrammarsInternal;

 * Base virtual class for session loggers.
 * The TASRLogger specifies all methods a session logger should implement.

class TASRLogger {

    TASRLoggerInternal * _logger;

    TASRLogger(TASRLogger const &);


    TASRLogger() throw (std::bad_alloc);

    virtual ~TASRLogger();

 * Default implementation for simple session loggers.
class TASRDefaultLogger : public TASRLogger {
    TASRDefaultLoggerInternal * data;

    TASRDefaultLogger(TASRDefaultLogger const &);

    TASRDefaultLogger(size_t diskMinFreeSize = 10000, bool
hierarchical = true, TASRString const & root = "")
         throw (std::bad_alloc, TASRDirectoryAccessError);


The TASRLogger.cpp:

// Boost Includes ==============================================================
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>

// Includes ====================================================================
#include <TASRLogger.hpp>

// Using =======================================================================
using namespace boost::python;

// Declarations ================================================================
namespace  {

struct TASRLogger_Wrapper: TASRLogger
    TASRLogger_Wrapper(PyObject* py_self_):
        TASRLogger(), py_self(py_self_) {}

    PyObject* py_self;

struct TASRDefaultLogger_Wrapper: TASRDefaultLogger
    TASRDefaultLogger_Wrapper(PyObject* py_self_, const TASRDefaultLogger& p0):
        TASRDefaultLogger(p0), py_self(py_self_) {}

    TASRDefaultLogger_Wrapper(PyObject* py_self_):
        TASRDefaultLogger(), py_self(py_self_) {}

    TASRDefaultLogger_Wrapper(PyObject* py_self_, size_t p0):
        TASRDefaultLogger(p0), py_self(py_self_) {}

    TASRDefaultLogger_Wrapper(PyObject* py_self_, size_t p0, bool p1):
        TASRDefaultLogger(p0, p1), py_self(py_self_) {}

    TASRDefaultLogger_Wrapper(PyObject* py_self_, size_t p0, bool p1,
const TASRString& p2):
        TASRDefaultLogger(p0, p1, p2), py_self(py_self_) {}

    PyObject* py_self;

}// namespace

// Module ======================================================================
    scope* TASRLogger_scope = new scope(
    class_< TASRLogger, boost::noncopyable, TASRLogger_Wrapper
>("TASRLogger", init<  >())

    delete TASRLogger_scope;

    class_< TASRDefaultLogger, bases< TASRLogger > ,
TASRDefaultLogger_Wrapper >("TASRDefaultLogger", init< const
TASRDefaultLogger& >())
        .def(init< optional< size_t, bool, const TASRString& > >())



Eduardo Picado

Eduardo PICADO
MSN eduardo.picado at gmail.com
portable +33 6 32 47 10 10 (NEW)
fix +33 1 45 03 52 54

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