[C++-sig] [Boost.Python] Using bbv2 to build simple extension

Roberto Aguilar roberto.c.aguilar at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 21:25:32 CEST 2006


I'm trying to setup my build environment to properly build a python
extension outside of the boost tree using Boost.Build v2.

So far I have this tree setup:

  +-- Jamroot
  +-- lib/
  |    |
  |    +-- pytest
  |    |
  |    `-- Jamfile
  |    `-- python.cpp

My Jamroot file looks like:
.boost-root = /Users/berto/apps/opt/boost_1_33_1 ;

use-project /boost : $(.boost-root) ;

using python : 2.4 : /sw ;

project myproj
	: requirements <link>static

My Jamfile:
project :
	usage-requirements <include>.


python-extension fileformats_py

In the jamfile I also have some library declarations, but they're
irrelevant to this.

When I run bjam, I get this:

[berto at drjekyll][1108]$ bjam
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
(and if you don't know what ICU is then you probably don't need it).
error: Unable to find file or target named
error:     '/python//python_for_extensions
error: referred from project aterror:     '.'

My guess is that I'm missing some sort of declaration in my Jamroot file.

Any help is much appreciated!


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