[C++-sig] singleton wrapping

Libor Capak capak at inputwish.com
Mon Apr 24 10:34:00 CEST 2006


i'm quite new to boost::python. i'd like to ask how you solve
singleton wrapping.
i have simple template:

template<typename T> class Singleton
  static T* singleton;
  //.. blabla ..
  static T& instance()
     mustBe(singleton); return *singleton;
  // .. blabla ..

and simple class, for example:

class A : public Singleton<A>
  void foo();

and now to export into python module i'm using wrapper class:

class A_wrap
  static void foo() { A.instance().foo(); }

  class_<A_wrap>("A", no_init)
    .def("foo", &A_wrap::foo)

is there any trick how to skip writing class A_wrap and still 
use method A::foo() as staticmethod from python?

Libor Capak

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