[C++-sig] Request for comment on "tutorial"

Nicolas Rougier Nicolas.Rougier at loria.fr
Fri Apr 21 10:58:24 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I've tried to gather what I've learned so far about boost python and I
wrote a simple example to illustrate some mechanisms. Basically, I tried
to illustrate:

 *   - inheritance
 *   - class having back references onto the PyObject that holds
 *      the underlying C++ object
 *   - vector indexing suite
 *      (that gives access to C++ vector-based object "a la python"
 *   - dotted notation for children
 *      (child access via father.child or father[0])
 *   - simple deep clone mechanism for containers
 *   - creation of python objects on c++ side
 *   - docstrings

Can you have a look at the code to check I did it the proper way
(and if you might find it useful at all) ?

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