[C++-sig] Custodian and Ward doubts

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Tue Sep 13 01:40:12 CEST 2005

On 12 Sep 2005 at 18:30, David Abrahams wrote:

> > If not, the custodian and ward model will not fit the needs of the
> > Qt library, and I need to it manually (like what I am doing now) or
> > create my custom call policies/return value generators. Am I right?
> I don't know about the needs of the Qt library.

As I've previously said, custodian and ward won't help you here.

> > Sugestions, please ;)
> I have nothing off the top of my head and I'm too busy to think about
> it in depth at the moment.

As I've also previously said, go learn from TnFOX's python bindings. 
It's the same style of GUI library. Of course, if you prefer to 
keeping banging along alone without examining existing 
implementations, please do feel free - but don't expect much help 
from anyone in here.


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