[C++-sig] exporting __stdcall methods

Nicolas Lelong nico_ml at mgdesign.org
Tue Sep 6 10:16:55 CEST 2005

> Likewise, I'm sorry too.  I am not ignoring this post; it's marked
> "important."  I am just overcommitted at the moment and have to wait
> for the right opportunity to get back into things.

That's something I fully understand :)

> If Ralf has the time and wants to review your patch, I'm willing to trust 
> his
> decisions in the matter and/or answer his questions about specific
> areas of concern.

OK, I'm still willing to support this patch and I still have some time to 
work on it.
So let's say that if Ralf wishes to get involved, I'm open and available for 
comments !



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