[C++-sig] pyste generation of getitem/setitem .def's

Grant Goodyear grant at grantgoodyear.org
Tue Nov 15 17:20:50 CET 2005

Okay, more searching of the archives brought me an answer.  I'll attach
a complete, short, and silly example for the next person who runs into
this problem.  My thanks to whomever provided the "Vector2d" example
from which I liberally stole.

Grant Goodyear		
web: http://www.grantgoodyear.org	
e-mail: grant at grantgoodyear.org	
-------------- next part --------------
class Vector2d {
        Vector2d():x(0.0),y(0.0) {}
        Vector2d(const double xval, const double yval): x(xval),y(yval) {}
        ~Vector2d() {}
        double& operator[](const int i);
        double x, y;

-------------- next part --------------
#include "foo.h"

double& Vector2d::operator[](const int i) { return i==0? x : y; }

-------------- next part --------------
#include "foo.h"
#include <boost/python.hpp>

#ifndef FOO_WRAP_H_
#define FOO_WRAP_H_

using boost::python::object;

object vec2dget(object self, object key);
void vec2dset(object self, object key, object val);

#endif // FOO_WRAP_H_
-------------- next part --------------
#include "foo_wrap.h"
#include "foo.h"

#ifndef FOO_H_
#define FOO_H_

using namespace boost::python;

object vec2dget(object self, object key) {
    int i = extract<int>(key);
    Vector2d& s = extract<Vector2d&>(self);
    return object(s[i]);

void vec2dset(object self, object key, object val) {
    Vector2d& s = extract<Vector2d&>(self);
    int i = extract<int>(key);
    double v = extract<double>(val);
    s[i] = v;

#endif // FOO_H
-------------- next part --------------
Vector2d = Class("Vector2d", "foo_wrap.h")
add_method(Vector2d, "vec2dget")
rename(Vector2d.vec2dget, "__getitem__")
add_method(Vector2d, "vec2dset")
rename(Vector2d.vec2dset, "__setitem__")
-------------- next part --------------

// Boost Includes ==============================================================
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>

// Includes ====================================================================
#include <foo_wrap.h>

// Using =======================================================================
using namespace boost::python;

// Module ======================================================================
    class_< Vector2d >("Vector2d", init<  >())
        .def(init< const Vector2d& >())
        .def(init< const double, const double >())
        .def("__getitem__", &vec2dget)
        .def("__setitem__", &vec2dset)


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