[C++-sig] In a C++ extension, how to use a C++ class exported in another extension

Hua Su suh at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Thu May 12 06:46:19 CEST 2005


I'v learnt Boost.Python for two weeks and now encounter some problems :( 

    In brief, I can't find the way to use a C++ class, which is exported in an

existing extension, in another extension written by myself.

    In detail, I'm writing a paint program with wxPython which is an

extension for GUI library wxWidgets (wxWindows). I use wxPython to implement 

GUI, and use C++ to implement paint operations. 

( In my application the paint operations is a bottleneck so I have to implement
  is in C++ )

When painting, I need to pass a pointer of DC from Python to my C++ code.

The problem is, the class "wxDC" is a real C++ class writen in wxWidgets,

and is exported in wxPython as Python class "DC", but I need use it in my

code as C++ class "wxDC". I can't find support from Boost.Python for

this problem. I have tried to pass pointer "void *" instead, but Boost.Python

declares it does not support "void *" as argument or return type. 

  Could someone give me some example? I work for this problem for days :(

Thanks for your reply.


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