[C++-sig] Re: Problems with dynamic casts

Dan Haffey dhaffey at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 01:49:04 CET 2005

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 11:03:28 -0500, Aaron Bentley
<abentley at panoramicfeedback.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with these issues?
> Aaron

I'm having what looks to be the same problem. I *think* that the meat
of the issue is addressed here:

So then it becomes a matter of controlling where the compiler (I
assume you're also using gcc 3?) emits vtables. I've tried (more or
less blindly) several different methods to get that information into a
common third shared library that gets loaded first, but nothing I've
tried seems to solve the problem. While searching for information on
this, I stumbled across some posts by Dave Abrahams on the gcc mailing
list regarding this issue (or so it seems), but the technical details
were pretty much over my head. I got the impression that the current
method used for resolving weak symbols is not exactly ideal for our
purposes, but I'm still not sure about the status of a decent

Dan Haffey

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