[C++-sig] Re: Re: shared_ptr -> weak_ptr -> shared_ptr

Andreas Beyer beyer at imb-jena.de
Fri Apr 15 02:20:22 CEST 2005

Peter Dimov wrote:

>Andreas Beyer wrote:
>>Unfortunately that doesn't help. I called bjam like this:
>>bjam -sBUILD=release -sBOOST_DISABLE_THREADS  -q
>>and I get the same problem.
>>I then tried to compile the debug version and the story gets even
>>worse: I get an internal comiler error:
>>bjam -sBUILD=debug -sBOOST_DISABLE_THREADS  -q
>>  function `long int boost::detail::atomic_conditional_increment(long
>>  compiler error in instantiate_virtual_regs_1, at function.c:3974
>>Please submit a full bug report,
>>with preprocessed source if appropriate.
>>See <URL:http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/> for instructions.
>Please try the latest CVS version, where this problem has been fixed. 
>Hopefully it will take care of your other issue as well. Please let us know 
>whether this solves the problem. 
That's it! Now it works even without the -sBOOST_DISABLE_THREADS flag.
Both problems are gone.

Peter, thanks a lot!!


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